Why do we need your help?

Did you know that all our local offices are independent local charities? Many people think that our local offices receive government funding, but in fact we are reliant on donations from local authorities, specialist funders and the general public to keep our services going.

The demand for our services is greater than ever and at the same time we are facing a challenging funding environment. As a charity, we rely on the support and generosity of grant-making trusts and members of the public – people like you.

Because of the support of people like you, we can continue to do the work we do and make a real difference to our clients.

Donate via Charity Checkout

How your donations can help

  • £5 can pay for a volunteer’s daily expenses
  • £10 pays for a telephone advice session to someone in need of advice.
  • £25 covers the costs of visiting a housebound client
  • £50 helps us support a family in debt to keep their home
  • £1000 A whopping sum like this can train 5 volunteer advisers

Any donations made to Citizens Advice Devon will be used to support local Citizens Advice services throughout Devon. You may prefer to make a donation directly to your local Citizens Advice:

Other ways to support us

You can also help by becoming one of our volunteers, or applying for a job with us.